Photoday | Galerie | MASTERCLASS 2016 | Sidney Terneu, KASK (School Of Arts)

“The part of life we really live is small. For all the rest of existence is no life, but merely time.” -Seneca- The ancient Greeks had two words for time. Chronos, which refers to clock time (seconds, minutes, hours, so basically time that can be measured) and Kairos, which measures moments and not minutes. Where Chronos is quantitative, Kairos is qualitative. Chronos is leading our modern society and creates the idea that time has to go forward really fast because it is so precious (the time-is-money-idea). This society has become a sped-up, over-crowded and over-connected high technological place, which bombards our minds almost non-stop with excessive stimuli, and time to step back and to process those stimuli is rare. My work is about trying to escape the hectic and fast-moving flow of life and rid the mind of excess. By excessively capturing those moments of escape, I try to become aware of the, often brief, moments where I lose myself into reveries. Staring and creating order out of chaos by constructing grids are two ways thats help me to do that. The repetition of numbers is an other one. When one is able to rid the mind of the overabundance and come into a state of non-thinking one is able to stop noticing the passage of time (Chronos) and therefore is able to find space and time (Kairos) to process the excessive stimuli and find stillness or peace of mind.

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